by Kendra Ann Sherrill
3, 2, 1 … BLAST OFF with the 2024 Children’s Film Festival Seattle! A galaxy of great films and activities await Seattle families at the 19th Annual Children's Film Festival Seattle, happening in-person and online Feb 2-10! This year's festival is inspired by the wonders of outer space and what better film to start our stargazing than the awe-inspiring Disney Pixar’s WALL-E!
As a quick refresher: WALL-E is about the last robot left on Earth, whose purpose is to compact all the garbage left behind. Mankind skipped town and left him with their mess long ago, and with only a cockroach for company, WALL-E longs for companionship. One day, he gets his wish: EVE, a mesmerizing robot unlike anything WALL-E has ever seen, descends from the heavens and turns his world upside-down.
It’s been nearly 16 years since the film was released back in the summer of 2008, and yet it still is the first title that comes to mind (my mind at least!) when thinking of a kid-friendly space flick. What makes this dystopian love story between two robots that features more rattles and electronic purrs than actual dialogue so captivating?
The dazzling animation is a given, with a bright color palette and stylistic storyworld that somehow makes a dystopian future seem not as scary. The immediate amount of love we feel for the little protagonist and his extremely expressive eyes nod to the intricate talent of the animators. What astounds me is the film’s ability to keep viewers of all ages deeply engaged even though the first half of the film is essentially a silent movie - filled solely with squeaks, rattles, and purrs. Without any dialogue, the film manages to portray one of the sweetest on-screen couples of all time. Watching love unfold between two characters made of metal is a pure delight. As the movie progresses, more adventure begins and we get treated to some fast-paced action! Overall, the film's themes (consumerism, environmental issues, corporate greed, etc) are subtly shown and palatable to both kiddos and adults, making WALL-E a film we can return to again and again…
…and again at the opening night of CFFS! Most of our young audiences weren’t even born when the film was released and have yet to experience this sparkling space tale on the big screen. And we are going to show it on the biggggggg screen - the Pacific Science Center's PACCAR IMAX Theater to be exact! Now, an official IMAX print of WALL-E does not exist - trust me, we tried - BUT I can assure you that it will look gorgeous on the PACCAR’s 37′ tall x 60′ wide screen - the largest screen you will ever have the option to watch it on!
Whether you choose to watch it in the theater with us or at home snuggled on the couch, I highly suggest you travel back to 2008 to then travel into the future and be reminded of the joy and wonder this sci fi love story sparks in you.