With a focus on racial equity, we fund, support, and advocate for culture to enhance the quality of life in King County.
We envision a vibrant county where culture is essential and accessible to all.
With a focus on racial equity, we fund, support, and advocate for culture to enhance the quality of life in King County.
We envision a vibrant county where culture is essential and accessible to all.
City of Seattle
We strive to improve quality of life by understanding and answering the needs of our citizens. We aim to provide more opportunities to those with fewer resources and will protect the well-being and safety of the public.
Humanities Washington
Humanities Washington opens minds and bridges divides by creating spaces to explore different perspectives.
Tulalip Tribes
The Tulalip Tribes is a federally-recognized Indian tribe located on the Tulalip Reservation in the mid-Puget Sound area bordered on the east by Interstate 5 and the city of Marysville, Washington; on the south by the Snohomish River; on the north by the Fire Trail Road (140th); and on the west by the waters of Puget Sound. The Tulalip Reservation exterior boundaries enclose a land-base of 22,000 acres, more than 50 percent of which is in federal trust status. The Reservation is rich with natural resources: marine waters, tidelands, fresh water creeks and lakes, wetlands, forests and developable land. The Tulalip Reservation was reserved for the use and benefit of Indian tribes and bands signatory to the Treaty of Point Elliott of January 22, 1855. Its boundaries were established by the 1855 Treaty and by Executive Order of President U.S. Grant dated December 23, 1873. It was created to provide a permanent home for the Snohomish, Snoqualmie, Skagit, Suiattle, Samish and Stillaguamish Tribes and allied bands living in the region.
Grand Illusion Cinema
The Grand Illusion Cinema is the longest continually running movie theater in Seattle, and a landmark of the film community. It is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit and the only 100% volunteer-operated nonprofit cinema in the United States.
Vanishing Seattle
Vanishing Seattle is a media movement that documents displaced and disappearing institutions, small businesses, and cultures of Seattle - often due to development and gentrification - and celebrates the spaces and communities that give the city its soul.
Beginning in 1976 with the annual Seattle International Film Festival, then expanding into year-round programming, SIFF is a 501(c)(3) cultural arts organization whose mission is to create experiences that bring people together to discover extraordinary films from around the world. It is through the art of cinema that SIFF fosters a community that is more informed, aware and alive.
Pickford Film Center
Pickford Film Center offers diverse, thoughtful, and engaging programming through our signature series that honor cinema’s past with ongoing repertory screenings and support the future of filmmaking with screenings of new independent films. We strive to reach a wide range of audiences—from the cinephile to the casual movie fan—to encourage explorations of new, lesser known films and re-experiencing familiar classics in new ways.
Northwest Film Forum
Northwest Film Forum incites public dialogue and creative action through collective cinematic experiences.
A nonprofit film and arts center located in Seattle, Northwest Film Forum presents hundreds of films, festivals, community events, multidisciplinary performances, and public discussions each year. A comprehensive visual media organization, the Forum offers educational workshops and artist services for film and media makers at all stages of their development. Artist services include access to space, gear, fiscal sponsorship, grants, and an edit lab. Northwest Film Forum is a member-based organization.
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