Curated by Justin LaLiberty
I came of age, and became fascinated with cinema, in the 1990s. In hindsight, the decade serves as arguably the last bastion of big swing studio filmmaking; in a climate before proper Marvel movies and massive studio mergers; before streaming put its mark on the ecosystem of cinema. The 1990s offers a treasure trove of iconic filmmakers having the green light, and final cut, to do whatever they want. It shows IP films that aren't afraid to show off the fingerprints of who made them, regardless of how messy that may be (yes, I'm talking about Joel Schumacher's Batman films). But, most of all, it's a decade of films and filmmakers that weren't afraid to take risks. It was a time of law breaking, regardless of intended audience. Kids films were weird, adult films were sexy, blockbusters challenged the status quo. And for every movie you remember from this era, there are dozens that you don't. This isn't a list of the best films of the decade, it's a sample of its excesses. Award winners with critical targets, summer tentpoles with box office disasters, and a few things that defy good taste or taxonomy. Have fun!
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