31 days • October • 2023
“We keep odd hours.”
Denoting or relating to a genre of films that typically have a science fiction, horror, or fantasy theme and were made on a low budget.
-Oxford English Dictionary
We staff don’t necessarily subscribe to the low budget part of that definition since movies like Prey and Predator are not exactly low budget affairs but are well within the above mentioned sub-genres. That being said, we do like an underdog more often than not and when you’re challenging the mean you might as well have a lot of fun pushing yourself to new lows.
The basic guidelines are:
• Watch at least 1 movie per day during the month of October in whatever order suits you.
• Must fall within the psychotronic definition.
• Have fun and get weird.
• If you see something, say something! Post your watches on social media and make sure to tag them with #SCVpsychochallenge. @scarecrowvideo (Letterboxd, Twitter/X, Facebook) @scarecrow.video.official (Instagram) @scarecrow.video (Tiktok)

Now for the full watchlist:
1. DIRECTOR’S FIRST FILM: Starting off with an easy one for you. Make it especially cool by choosing a director not particularly known for making psychotronic stuff.
2. THEY WERE IN THAT?: One with a then unknown actor who is now very known.
3. TWILIGHT YEARS IN THEIR CAREERS: An aging American actor in an overseas production.
4. WORKING REMOTELY: One that takes place out in the cut somewhere.
5. ENJOY YOUR STAY: Park your keister for a single location flic.
6. THE TORN TICKET: You guessed it, films/scenes that take place in a movie theater.
7. “META” MILITIA: Be on the lookout for any one of an enemy squadron of self aware films operating in your area. Report if seen…
8. IN YOUR DREAMS: Heavy on the dream sequence, Jack.
9. PASSES LIKE MOLASSES: One with a looooong death/dying sequence.
10. “I GOT YOU, BABY GIRL”: A post-apocalyptic film with some emotional heft.
11. ⬆⬆⬇⬇⬅➡⬅➡🅱🅰: Select and start a movie based on a video game.
12. GUERILLAS IN THE MIDST: One involving soldiers or set during a war:
13. RELIVOMAX: Do your enigmas need resolving? Don’t wait, talk to an expert to see if Relivomax is right for you. Taking Relivomax may result in flashbacks.
14. AKA: The same great show by a name you didn’t know.
15. HALLYUWOOD: It’s time to dig up the onggi and watch yourself a South Korean joint, the saltier the better.
16. OZPLOITATION: Maximize your wander with some thunder from down yonder.
17. BORED OF EDUCATION: Stegman says school ain’t just for makin’ money, it’s also a great place for a story to unfold.
18. CAN YOU DIG IT?: Archeology turns up the darndest things…
19. ACCOMPANIED MINERS: Danger! Stay out of mineshafts, ore else!
20. THE GREAT UNSTREAMBLE: Search all night with all your might, it still ain’t found on any site. Bonus for desert/drought content.
21. VIDEO STORE DAY: This is the big one. Watch something physically rented or bought from an actual video store. If you live in a place that is unfortunate enough not to have one of these archival treasures then watch a movie with a video store scene in it at least. #vivaphysicalmedia
22. HIGHWAY TO HELL: A savage car chase is the vehicle for tonight’s viewing displeasure.
23. VACANCY: Road weary are we? Pull over for one that’s set at a hotel or a motel. Goodnight?
24. STOP AND CHOP: The supermarket just became a shop of horrors! Cleanup on aisle 24.
25. FROM THE NIGHT OF: Any movie with “NIGHT OF” or “FROM THE” in its title.
26. ANY WITCH WAY YOU CAN: Cast your eyes upon a spellbinder.
27. MONSTERS… ALL?: Dracula, Frankenstein and Wolfman are (universal)ly adored. It’s time we start seeing other “people”.
28. THE BIG TAKEOVER: An A.I.’er that goes haywire.
29. PHANTOM LIMB: Severed or not is optional but this extension of will has to have a different energy pushing it.
30. CAMPOTRONIC: A summer camp that puts the zing in blazing inferno, the spice in hospice, the fest in infestation, the fun in funeral. Go and have yourself a time.
31. “THE FINAL CHAPTER”: Last in a series… Get it?