Weds Aug 14, Noon — 7:00PM

Film restoration and distribution company Vinegar Syndrome will be setting up shop at Scarecrow Video with a wide selection of horror, exploitation and genre blurays, 4k, box sets, merch and more from their expansive catalog...come pick up the latest titles in addition to some rare and out of print releases. LONG LIVE PHYSICAL MEDIA!
And join Vinegar Syndrome & Scream Screen on Tues. 8/13 at 7:30p for a very special screening of INTRÉPIDOS PUNKS (1987) with live pre-film music by ENDLESS JOY (members of Cold Sweat, Gag, Iron Lung) at the Beacon Cinema
From the weirdest depths of Mexico’s genre cinema scene comes one of the most infamous punksploitation classics of the 80’s: INTRÉPIDOS PUNKS! Serving up a non-stop feast of brutality topped off with an all-out assault of sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Newly scanned and restored in 4K from the 35mm original negative, Vinegar Syndrome proudly presents the completely uncensored version of this long-sought-after cult rarity.